Monday, February 4, 2008

the best of times

i don't know if i will ever get over the sense of loss i feel since leaving corpus christi. i know, i know, i should save the drama for my mama. but, i do feel so, so sad; and i still can't get over it. it has been about six months now, and i still at times feel miserable. what is weird about this is that i am doing better here. i have actually lost some weight and have been exercising a whole lot more. so what is the big deal? maybe if i list all the things i miss about corpus christi, i will finally understand why i miss it so much.

i miss my daughter's school. i think it is an AWESOME school! i still visit their website, just to mope, i guess. my oldest daughter had an awesome kindergarten teacher, and i had really hoped for my little to be in her class this year. it didn't work out that way.

i miss del mar college. my husband tells me that a community college is a community college. I DON'T HAPPEN TO AGREE! i have had excellent professors and help along the way.

i miss my favorite muffin.

i miss driving down ocean drive and seeing the beautiful ocean.

i miss seeing my daughters enjoying an afternoon play date with my neighbors kids.

i definitely miss the 24 hour walgreens being close to my house.

i miss my hairdresser. i haven't gotten a haircut since september, i think.

i miss friends from corpus christi.

i miss corpus christi christian fellowship. the church we attended, although being able to see Pastor Leavell's preaching online has been very nice. we have started going to a nice church here...

and for some reason, even though my little one would not be in preschool anymore, i miss her preschools. she went to two different ones and i really miss walking the halls of those schools. her teachers were great, as well.

i wish i could put my feelings into words. i know that i can't look forward until i stop looking back. i realize that it is perhaps detrimental to look back, but i was happy there! my family and i were happy there. and it isn't that we are unhappy here, but i just can't get used to living down here. i understand that life is not stationary, and that we need to keep growing. but my heart doesn't; my heart was full and content when i lived in corpus christi. nevertheless, i know that God will give me grace for this new chapter in my life. Amen.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

updated fitness journal

i know i haven't kept up my activity logs, but i have been exercising. i started school on the 17 of january and things have gotten even crazier than usual. first let me catch up:

january 16: jogged for 45 minutes (5 easy, 20 hard, 15 steady, 5 min hard). i'm sure i walked
january 19: jogged for 1 hour easy run.

january 23: jogged for 35 minutes.

january 25: jogged for 20:39 and walked for 10 minutes.

february 1: jogged for 10 minutes.

february 2: ran in a 10k. 1:03 (that is one hour and three minutes).

alright, let's hope i am back on track!

we will see what february brings.