Wednesday, October 8, 2008

napoleon and me

we are getting to know each other and are getting quite cozy. well, at least me with him because he is dead! :) my subject for the four book critiques is napoleon. thus, i have read two books about him, and i am starting on the third.

napoleon and i skipped out during my british literature class on tuesday. try as i may, my good intentions (the ones that i had for reading a chapter a day, so that i would have a whole week to write my paper) went by the wayside. or maybe they paved the way to the academia hell i went through this weekend. my whole weekend was tied up trying to finish reading Robert Holtman's book. i got very little sleep. and still, i was not finished by tuesday morning. so, i went to my first class because i skipped it when my first paper was due, and then i went to the library during my second class. and guess what? according to a girl in my literature class, there was a reading quiz. aahh! i probably wouldn't have done very well, anyway; i didn't finish reading Coleridge's poem.

on the upside of things, i was grateful for don cudd's tutoring with my critique. he has a tutoring buisness and is extremely helpful! i would hate not having my papers reviewed before turning them in.