i took my first mid-term exam in my revolutionary history course. it was a blue book exam. who know, the ones that all you bring to class is a blue book. and, by the way, draw two squares and a big X in the middle on the first two pages...just to try and stop any cheaters! well, i wrote out my little outline and began to write. i thought i had a pretty solid first half, then i got to the second part. well, let me think...hum? i think the nobles left france at one point? didn't they? at least they should have left during the reign of terror when every one's head was getting chopped off? you would think??? and then what happened? o.k., well, they definitely sent king louis xvi to the guillotine. and then what happened? oh, yes, i think they adopted several constitutions during the interim--oh no-let me erase that.
do you get the picture? i was LOST!!!! i will get my grade on tuesday. i'm debating whether i will post it or not. what i am glad for is the fact that dr. duke only gave us essay exams and that definitely prepared me for this class. my western civilization class with dr. duke was only these types of exams. he did not believe in multiple choice. professor hart's writing about history assignments were also good practice for these types of writing exams. overall, i think i have a firm footing thanks to del mar (which by the way, i still miss tremendously!).