Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Storm is Calling Unto Me

There is a storm coming in as I write and its calling unto me. I want to hear the sound of the rushing and angry wind. My life reflects it. I have been in such a violent fit trying to finish off my semester. I have been under high-stress. I've had two research papers to finish up, a one-act play, a drama test, and a writing about history assignment all due this week! And, to top it all off, a history honors project presentation due on Thursday. I've tried the deep breaths, I've tried relaxation, and sleep. But, nothing, nothing can calm me down. Except, for the sound of the storm that I can hear through my chimney. I want to let loose like that storm. All of the clouds of anxiety and stress have gathered in my mind and soul. I would love for these forces to shake my body to its core and then be no more.

I'm anxious about what is left of this week; probably more so than what is left of my life. I can look ahead to happy years with my family. I just can't seem to look past this week with all of its fears. I often feel like I will inevitably fall flat on my face. Like I will not meet the deadline and then what? I think the stress comes because I don't see failure as an option. That is why I have this sinking feeling in my stomach when I get so close to the deadlines.

I take my leave, so that I may go hear my symphony of nature.