Monday, December 31, 2007

Week 2 Activity Log

o.k., so once again i did not keep my deadline, but i have been exercising. so here is my activity log for the week of December 20-December 27. I realize today is the 31st and i did run today, but i'm trying to keep my weeks straight; although i could finish out the year, right? so then i will go ahead and post today's running time, as well.

Thursday, December 20:
Jogged for 52 minutes. The first 5 minutes were an easy run. the following 30 minutes were what is called fartlek (which is varying speeds and terrain, at least how i understand it.) and i finished off my run with 15 minutes easy run.

Sunday, December 23:
Jogged for 1:17 minutes. the running book called for 75 minutes. i added the two minutes because i lost them trying to get my daughter (who rides her bike while i run) back on her bike after she took a spill.

Tuesday, December 25:
Christmas Day
Jogged for 23 minutes. The book called for a "light run." i walked, however, for about 7 minutes to try and make a half-hour at least.

Wednesday, December 26:
i did Denise Austen's Pilates DVD for 45 minutes.

Thursday, December 27:
Ran intervals, NOT FUN AT ALL!!!!!
5 minutes easy
10 minutes hard
5 easy
5 hard
5 easy
5 hard
5 easy
i do not like intervals, not in a box, with a fox....
i do not like them Sam, I am.

Sunday, December 30:
i fell of the proverbial wagon. i ate pizza what seemed like all day, drank cokes, and had brownies at night while reading my book. it was a rotten day all around. i think it started off wrong when we woke up too late to go to church. i didn't get to go for my sunday run :(

Monday, December 31:
Jogged for 62 minutes. again, i added the two minutes because i was stopped by a caravan of travelers wanting directions to the international bridge that would take them to reynosa, mexico. i gave them what i thought (and they turned out to be right) was the way to go. my husband says i steered them in the right direction, thank God or else those poor, weary travelers would still be lost and cursing me to be sure.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

my beloved's voice

for anyone interested in hearing what my husband sounds like. these are two email messages he sent me:


You need to stop whining about math and get it done! Your running log is GREAT! Although you interject more whining. You need to think about ALL the positive benefits that your running has, not only you, but the girls as well. So quit whining, keep the "warrior spirit," and get yourself out there!!!!


and yet another email on dental insurance information:

You may want to look into this but then again, it has nothing to do with school or running, so it probably is not important to you.

I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist, I had to throw that barb in.

I love you!!!


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

activity logs: the continuum

i am going to start posting my activity logs in an effort to keep doing them. the activity logs were weekly assignments for my kine class this past semester. i think they started in september and ran through december 5th. while doing these activity logs, i lost about 10 lbs.; hence my desire to keep them going. my first post will cover from december 6 until present. after this post, i hope to post weekly.


Thursday, December 6:
Jogged for 40 minutes. (i didn't write down how much i walked, but i'm sure i walked at least 5. i will usually walk about 5 minutes after every run, so i don't think i will include my walking minutes.)

Saturday, December 8:
Denise Austen Pilates DVD for 45 minutes.

Sunday, December 9:
Jogged for 50:15 (should i even include my 15 seconds? perhaps i should just round down.)

Monday, December 10:
Jogged for 37:47 (mondays are suppose to be my "easy runs," although they don't feel easy at all! :)


Thursday, December 13:
Jogged for 42:17 (i got off the written running schedule, but i've decided i'm not going to worry about that because if i do i will probably scrap my whole routine.)

Sunday, December 16:
I jogged for 1:01 (Yes, ladies and gentlemen, i actually jogged for a whole hour!! i can't believe it myself!)

Monday, December 17: OFF. this is the day that i bombed my math exam, thus i was defeated thoroughly and could not get myself to do any type/form of exercise.

Tuesday, December 18:
Jogged for 35.17 and walked for 7 minutes.

so there you have it, my first activity log entry. something i learned from my kine class is to set short term goals. i would like to run a 10k in january, but the weekend of the race is not a good time for me. therefore, i think i might have to 10-3 that goal. i'm hoping to find another race that i can do around that time, or maybe i'll just have to wait for february.

on another note, my knees have started to bother me. i hope that it is only because i need new tennis shoes and not because i need to stop jogging. :(

Monday, December 17, 2007

Number Non-Sense

well, i tried to test out of a remedial math course, but failed miserably. my brain is just not wired that way. *sigh* so, i will be taking math 0373 (i think) with mr. david online next semester. i'm tempted to write, "what a waste of money and time!" but, i hope that by next may i will have a new attitude on math. i graduated from high school over 15 years ago...i don't remember a thing!! what else can i do but take the remedial course?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Come on get Happy!!!

it is 11:56 p.m., i should be heading off to sleep, BUT, i just sent off my last assignment for this semester. yes sirree!! fall 2007 is unofficially "in the books!" i say unofficially because i have not received my grades, yet. my world literature class still has me worried, but what can i do about it other than worry? i'm already doing that :)

well good night folks! tomorrow is the first day of my break. i should be awake to enjoy it, don't you think? the good news is that i only have about three more years of grueling semesters to go! doesn't that sound encouraging?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

1/2 Week Left

o.k., since i am so freaked out about finishing this semester, i think it will be a good idea if i keep jotting down what i need to do. but first an update on last week's assignments:

1. i managed to finish my reading on the Aeneid. and i scrambled to get my chat groups assignment turned in. although it was not my turn to submit the assignment, i somehow
managed to get it tossed on my lap (i think being just to dumb to say no is my problem!).
it was funny the way it happened. one girl said she it wasn't her turn and the other one
said she couldn't do it. that simple. i thought, "o.k., so you two won't do it. there are three
in this chat group, so that just leaves the FOOL (me), right? or am i missing someone?
2. i took my COSC exam and did well. i figured out that we, like most computers, have
temporary memory. i don't think i actually retained everything i read, but i did pass. :)
3. i submitted all my assignments for my kine class.

i'm beginning to see a sliver of light at the end of this tunnel. hopefully i won't get hit by a
Mack truck before i get out of it!

now what i have to do this week:

1. turn in my adobe photoshop final project. i have one question? why pictures? i think i would
have rather done an essay or research paper than try to figure out adobe photoshop.
2. even though we only have 1/2 week left in the semester, my world lit professor has
introduced Ovid's "The Metamorphoses." call me an old-fashioned student, but i think the
last five days of class is not the most appropriate time to start a new reading. HOWEVER,
i must confess, i have found the book very, very interesting. i guess it is one of those things that you just have to read in a world literature class. i have an assignment due on tuesday, a MAJOR assignment. (so i really shouldn't be blogging, right?) i think blogging (for me, anyway) is a release of stress because i write down my current dilemmas; however pitiful they might be.

until next time, ovid is calling me.